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Saving of existing rights and interests.

2. No right, title, estate or interest, whether in possession or expectancy,
and whether vested or contingent at the time of the passing of this Act,
existing in, to, or in respect of, any dignity, title of honour, or property,
and no act or thing lawfully done or omitted before the passing of this Act
shall be prejudicially affected nor shall any will be deemed to have been
revoked by reason of any marriage heretofore contracted as aforesaid being
made valid by this Act. And no claim by the Crown for duties leviable on or
with reference to death, and before the passing of this Act due and payable,
and no payment, commutation, composition, discharge, or settlement of account
in respect of any duties leviable on or with reference to death before the
passing of this Act duly made or given, shall be prejudicially affected by
anything herein contained.

Nothing in this Act shall affect the devolution or distribution of the real or
personal estate of any intestate, not being a party to the marriage, who at
the time of the passing of this Act shall be, and shall until his death
continue to be, a lunatic, so found by inquisition.

S.3 rep. by 1925 c.49 s.226 sch.6; 1939 c.13 (NI) s.31 sch.

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