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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> DOGS REGULATION (IRELAND) ACT 1865

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Proceedings on transfer of dog by sale or gift.

10. In case the person who shall be liable under the provisions of this Act to
pay such fee of [10p] upon every such certificate of the registry of such
license shall fail to make such payment, it shall be lawful for the justice or
justices at petty sessions to make a summary order, on the complaint of the
clerk of such petty sessions, to require the payment of such fee; and such
order shall be enforced in like manner as any order of a justice or justices
may now be enforced under the provisions of the
Petty Sessions (Ireland) Act, 1851, and any Act amending the same: Provided
always, that every petty sessions clerk shall, when required so to do, and as
a part of his duty, and without charge, properly fill up all licenses
purchased of him under the provisions of this Act.

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