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Northern Irish Legislation

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39.(1) It shall be the duty of the Royal Ulster Constabulary to execute the
provisions of this Act and of every order of the Ministry; and such provisions
shall be enforceable by any constable.

(2) Where a person is seen or found committing, or is reasonably suspected of
being engaged in committing, an offence against this Act, a constable may,
without warrant, stop and detain him; and, if his name and address are not
known to the constable, and such person fails to give them to the satisfaction
of the constable, the constable may, without warrant, apprehend him; and the
constable may, whether so stopping or detaining or apprehending the person or
not, stop, detain, and examine any animal, poultry, vehicle, boat, or thing to
which the offence or suspected offence relates, and require the same to be
forthwith taken back to or into any place or district whence it was unlawfully
removed, and execute and enforce that requisition.

(3) If any person obstructs or impedes or assists to obstruct or impede a
constable in the execution of this Act or of an order of the Ministry, the
constable may without warrant apprehend the offender.

(4) A person apprehended under this section shall be taken with all
practicable speed before a justice, and shall not be detained without a
warrant longer than is necessary for that purpose; and all enactments relating
to the release of persons on recognizances taken by a constable shall apply in
the case of a person apprehended under this section.

(5) The foregoing provisions of this section respecting a constable extend and
apply to any person called by a constable to his assistance.

(6) A constable shall forthwith make a report in writing to his superior
officer of every case in which he stops any person, animal, poultry, vehicle,
boat, or thing under this section, and of his proceedings consequent thereon.

(7) Nothing in this section shall take away or abridge any power or authority
that a constable would have had if this section had not been enacted.

Records and returns.

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