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Northern Irish Legislation

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18.(1) The Ministry may, whenever it deems it expedient so to do, for the
purpose of preventing the introduction of disease into Northern Ireland, make
orders for prohibiting [ or regulating the importation of

(a)animals, poultry, carcases and eggs, and

(b)other things, whether animate or inanimate, by or by means of which it
appears to the Department that any disease might be carried or transmitted].

(2) The Ministry shall prohibit the [importation] of animals or of any
specified kind thereof whenever it is not satisfied with respect to any
country or any specified part thereof, that having regard to the sanitary
condition of the animals therein or imported therefrom, to the laws made by
such country for the regulation of the importation and exportation of animals,
and for the prevention of the introduction or spreading of disease, and to the
administration of such laws, the circumstances are such as to afford
reasonable security against the importation therefrom of animals affected with

(3) This section shall apply to the importation in an aircraft of animals and
other things not landed from the aircraft as it applies in relation to their
landing from an aircraft.

(4) If an animal or other thing is imported in an aircraft in contravention of
an order made under this section, then (without prejudice to the liability
therefor of any other person under sub-section (1) of section forty-five and
sub-section (2) of section forty-six) the person for the time being having
possession and control of the aircraft, as owner, hirer or otherwise, shall be
guilty of an offence against this Act.

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