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Disease found in animals in transit.

14.(1) The Ministry shall by order make such further or other provision as it
thinks necessary or expedient in relation to animals found to be affected with

(a)while exposed for sale or exhibited in a market, fair, sale-yard, place of
exhibition, or other place; or

(b)while placed in a lair or other place before exposure for sale; or

(c)while in transit or in course of being moved by land or water, or by air;

(d)while being in a slaughter-house or place where animals are slaughtered or
are kept with a view to slaughter; or

(e)while being on common or uninclosed land; or

(f)generally, while being in a place not in the possession or occupation or
under the control of the owner of the animals.

(2) The Ministry shall by orders under this section make such provision as it
thinks fit, either generally or in relation to particular places, for the
consequences under this Act of animals being so found in the circumstances
aforesaid, as well with regard to the animals as with regard to the places
where they are when so found and other places, and with regard to animals
being or having been in contact with animals so found.

(3) Every order under this section shall have full effect notwithstanding any
provision of this Act requiring the declaration of a place infected with
disease or relating to any consequence thereof, or to any matter connected
therewith, and notwithstanding any other provision whatsoever of this Act.

(4) The Ministry may if it thinks fit by order under this section apply all or
any of the foregoing provisions thereof, with such modifications as appear to
the Ministry to be necessary or expedient, to or in relation to poultry found
to be affected with disease.

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