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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> DISEASES OF ANIMALS ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1958

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13.(1) The Ministry may make such orders as it thinks fit, subject and
according to the provisions of this Act, for all or any of the following

(a)for prohibiting or regulating the exposure of diseased or suspected animals
in markets or fairs or sale-yards, or other public or private places where
animals are commonly exposed for sale, and the placing thereof in lairs or
other places adjacent to or connected with markets or fairs, or where animals
are commonly placed before exposure for sale;

(b)for prohibiting or regulating the sending or carrying of diseased or
suspected animals, or [other things, whether animate or inanimate,] likely to
spread disease, or the causing the same to be sent or carried, on railways,
canals, rivers, or inland navigations, or in coasting vessels, or in an
aircraft which is engaged in a journey or a part of a journey beginning and
ending in Northern Ireland, or otherwise;

(c)for prohibiting or regulating the carrying, leading, or driving of diseased
or suspected animals, or the causing them to be carried, led or driven, on
highways or thoroughfares or elsewhere;

(d)for prohibiting or regulating the placing or keeping of diseased or
suspected animals on commons or uninclosed lands, or in fields or other places
insufficiently fenced, or on the sides of highways;

(e)for prohibiting or regulating the movement of animals, and the removal of
carcases, [or other things, whether animate or inanimate], and for prescribing
and regulating the isolation of animals newly purchased;

(f)for prescribing and regulating the issue and production of licences
respecting movement and removal of animals and things;

(g)for prohibiting or regulating the holding of markets, fairs, exhibitions
and sales of animals;

(h)for prescribing and regulating the cleansing and disinfection of places
used for the holding of markets, fairs, exhibitions or sales of animals, or
for lairage of animals, and yards, sheds, stables and other places used for

(j)for prescribing and regulating the cleansing and disinfection of vessels,
aircraft, vehicles, and pens and other places, used for the carrying of
animals or purposes connected therewith; and

(k)for prohibiting, absolutely or conditionally, the use, for the carrying of
animals or for any purpose connected therewith, of a vessel, aircraft,
vehicle, or pen or other place in respect whereof, or of the use whereof, a
penalty has been imposed on any person for an offence against this Act.

(2) The powers conferred on the Ministry by sub-section (1) shall be
exercisable in relation to poultry as they are exercisable in relation to
animals and the provisions of that sub-section shall be construed accordingly.

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