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Northern Irish Legislation

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10.(1) The functions of the Ministry in relation to the slaughter of animals
and poultry affected or in contact with, or suspected of, any disease
specified in the Second Schedule are set forth in that Schedule.

(2) The amount of any compensation payable under Part II of the Second
Schedule in respect of animals or poultry slaughtered under Part I thereof
shall be paid by the Ministry out of moneys provided by Parliament.

(3) An order made under sub-section (2) of section one extending or
restricting the application of this Act may make such amendments (whether by
way of addition, exception or otherwise) in the provisions of the Second
Schedule as appear to the Ministry to be necessary or expedient for the
purposes of the order. Any order so made which amends the Second Schedule so
as to extend the application of this Act shall be subject to negative

(4) Without prejudice to sub-section (3), the Ministry may, in relation to any
disease for the time being specified in the First Schedule, by order (subject
to negative resolution) make such amendments (whether by way of addition,
exception or otherwise) in the provisions of the Second Schedule as appear to
the Ministry to be necessary or expedient for the purposes of this Act.

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