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You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> DESTRUCTIVE IMPORTED ANIMALS ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1933

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Provisions as to offences.

6.(1) Any person who

(a)at a time when the importation of musk rats is prohibited absolutely,
imports or attempts to import any musk rat into Northern Ireland, or, at a
time when such importation is prohibited except under a licence, imports or
attempts to import any musk rat into Northern Ireland without having in force
a licence authorising such person so to do; or

(b)at a time when the keeping of musk rats is prohibited absolutely, keeps any
musk rat in Northern Ireland, or, at a time when the keeping of musk rats is
prohibited except under a licence, keeps any musk rat in Northern Ireland
without having in force a licence authorising such person so to do; or

(c)being the holder of a licence granted to such person under this Act, acts
in contravention of or fails to comply with any regulation made under
this Act, or any condition of his licence; or

(d)turns loose any musk rat, or wilfully allows any musk rat to escape; or

(e)obstructs any authorised officer or other authorised person in the
execution of his duty under this Act; or

(f)wilfully fails to give a notice which he is required by paragraph (a) of
the last preceding section of this Act to give;

In the case of an offence under paragraph (a), paragraph (b), or paragraph (d)
of this sub-section, a fine of [#100], or if the offence was committed in
respect of more than four animals, a fine of [#25] in respect of each animal;

In the case of an offence under paragraph (c) of this sub-section, a fine of
[#20] and a further fine of [#5] for each day on which the offence continues
after conviction therefor;

In the case of an offence under paragraph (e) of this sub-section, a fine of

In the case of an offence under paragraph (f) of this sub-section, a fine of

The court before which any person is convicted of an offence under paragraph
(a), paragraph (b), or paragraph (c) of this sub-section may order any musk
rats in respect of which the offence was committed to be forfeited and

(2) Any member of the Royal Ulster Constabulary, and any authorised officer or
other authorised person, may seize any musk rats with respect to which such
member, officer or person has reason to believe that an offence under
paragraph (a) of sub-section (1) of this section has been committed, and may
detain such rats pending the determination of any proceedings to be instituted
under the said sub-section, or until the Ministry of Agriculture is satisfied
that no such proceedings are likely to be instituted.

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