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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> DESTRUCTIVE IMPORTED ANIMALS ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1933

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Provisions as to musk rats found on land or premises.

5. At any time while an order under section one of the Act is in force, the
following provisions shall have effect:

(a)The occupier of any land who knows that musk rats, not being musk rats kept
by him under a licence, are to be found on such land shall forthwith give
notice to the Ministry of Agriculture;

(b)The Ministry of Agriculture, so soon as the said Ministry becomes aware
that musk rats, not being musk rats kept under a licence, are to be found on
any land, may take such steps as the said Ministry considers necessary for the
destruction of the musk rats, and for that purpose it shall be the duty of the
occupier of the land to afford all such facilities as are within his power to
any authorised officer or other authorised person;

(c)The Ministry of Agriculture may authorise a committee of the council of any
county (including a county borough) to exercise within that county, on behalf
and at the expense of the said Ministry, the powers of the said Ministry under
paragraph (b) of this section;

(d)No criminal prosecution shall be brought, and no action for damages shall
lie, in respect of the killing or wounding of any musk rat which is found at

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