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Northern Irish Legislation

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Penalty on fraudulently obtaining credit, &c.

13. Any person shall in each of the cases following be deemed guilty of a
misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be liable to be imprisoned for
any time not exceeding one year, ...; that is to say,

Para.(1) rep. by 1969 c.16 (NI) s.31(2) sch.3 Pt.I

(2)If he has with intent to defraud his creditors, or any of them, made or
caused to be made any gift, delivery, or transfer of or any charge on his

(3)If he has, with intent to defraud his creditors, concealed, or removed any
part of his property since or within two months before the date of any
unsatisfied judgment or order for payment of money obtained against him:

(4)If he has wilfully concealed any real or personal estate of any bankrupt or
arranging debtor, and has not within forty-two days after the filing of the
petition of bankruptcy or for arrangement discovered such estate to the court
or to the assignees or the trustees or trustee (if any).

S.14 rep. by 1953 c.14 (NI) s.1(2); 1969 c.16 (NI) s.31(2) sch.3 Pt.I

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