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You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> CHARITABLE TRUSTS (VALIDATION) ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1954

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1.(1) In this Act, "imperfect trust provision" means any provision declaring
the objects for which property is to be held or applied, and so describing
those objects that, consistently with the terms of the provision, the property
could be used exclusively for charitable purposes, but could nevertheless be
used for purposes which are not charitable.

(2) Subject to the following provisions of this Act, any
imperfect trust provision contained in an instrument taking effect before the
sixteenth day of December, nineteen hundred and fifty-two, shall have, and be
deemed to have had, effect in relation to any disposition or covenant to which
this Act applies

(a)as respects the period before the commencement of this Act, as if the whole
of the declared objects were charitable; and

(b)as respects the period after that commencement as if the provision had
required the property to be held or applied for the declared objects in so far
only as they authorise use for charitable purposes.

(3) A document inviting gifts of property to be held or applied for objects
declared by the document shall be treated for the purposes of this section as
an instrument taking effect when it is first issued.

(4) In this Act, "covenant" includes any agreement, whether under seal or not,
and "covenantor" is to be construed accordingly.

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