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Certificate of scientific bodies for exceptions to general regulations.

11. Any application for a license under this Act and a certificate given as in
this Act mentioned must be signed by one or more of the following persons;
that is to say,

The President of the Royal Society;

The President of the Royal Society of Edinburgh;

The President of Royal Irish Academy;

The Presidents of the Royal Colleges of Surgeons in London, Edinburgh, or

The Presidents of the Royal Colleges of Physicians in London, Edinburgh, or

The President of the General Medical Council;

The President of the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow;

The President of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, or the President of
the Royal Veterinary College, London, but in the case only of an experiment to
be performed under an'sthetics with a view to the advancement by new discovery
of veterinary science;

Provided that where any person applying for a certificate under this Act is
himself one of the persons authorised to sign such certificate, the signature
of some other of such persons shall be substituted for the signature of the

A certificate under this section may be given for such time or for such series
of experiments as the person or persons signing the certificate may think

A copy of any certificate under this section shall be forwarded by the
applicant to the Secretary of State, but shall not be available until one week
after a copy has been so forwarded.

The Secretary of State may at any time disallow or suspend any certificate
given under this section.

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