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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> COLONIAL PRISONERS REMOVAL ACT 1884

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Dealing with removed prisoner.

8.(1) Every prisoner removed in pursuance of this Act shall, until he is
returned in pursuance of this Act, be dealt with in the part of Her Majesty's
dominions to which he is removed, in like manner as if his sentence (with such
variation, if any, of the conditions thereof as may have been duly made in
pursuance of regulations under this Act) had been duly awarded in that part,
and shall be subject accordingly to all laws and regulations in force in that
part, with the following qualifications that his conviction judgment and
sentence may be questioned in the part of Her Majesty's dominions from which
he has been removed in the same manner as if he had not been removed, and that
his sentence may be remitted and his discharge ordered in the same manner and
by the same authority as if he had not been removed.

(2) The officer in charge of any prison, on request by any person having the
custody of a prisoner under a warrant issued in pursuance of this Act, and on
payment or tender of a reasonable amount for expenses, shall receive such
prisoner and detain him for such reasonable time as may be requested by the
said person for the purpose of the proper execution of the warrant.

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