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Northern Irish Legislation

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Warrant for removal of prisoner.

7.(1) Where the removal of a prisoner from a British possession is ordered in
pursuance of this Act, a Secretary of State or the Governor of the
British possession may by warrant under his hand direct the prisoner to be
removed to the part of Her Majesty's dominions mentioned in the said order,
and for that purpose to be delivered into the custody of the persons named or
described in the warrant or some one or more of them, and to be held in
custody and conveyed by sea or otherwise to the said part of Her Majesty's
dominions, there to undergo his sentence, or the residue thereof, until
returned in pursuance of this Act or discharged, and such warrant shall be
forthwith executed according to the tenor thereof.

(2) Where a prisoner is to be returned to a British possession, a Secretary of
State... shall issue a like warrant, which shall be duly executed according to
the tenor thereof.

(3) Every warrant purporting to be issued in pursuance of this Act, and to be
under the hand of a Secretary of State or Governor of a British possession,
shall be received in evidence in every court of justice in Her Majesty's
dominions without further proof, and shall be evidence of the facts therein
stated, and all acts done in pursuance of such warrant shall be deemed to have
been authorised by law.

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