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Regulations as to removal.

4.(1) It shall be lawful for Her Majesty in Council from time to time to make,
and when made, revoke and vary regulations as to the removal, return, and
discharge of prisoners under this Act.

(2) The regulations may provide for varying the conditions of a
sentence of imprisonment passed in a British possession, where they differ
from the conditions of a sentence of imprisonment in the part of Her Majesty's
dominions to which the prisoner is removed, with a view to bringing them into
conformity with the latter conditions, but the prisoner shall not by reason of
such variation undergo an imprisonment of any longer duration; and where the
latter conditions appear to a Secretary of State to be more severe than the
former conditions, the Secretary of State may remit a portion of the
imprisonment, so that the punishment undergone by the prisoner shall not in
the opinion of the Secretary of State be more severe than the punishment to
which the prisoner was originally sentenced, and the sentence of imprisonment
shall, so long as the prisoner remains in the part of Her Majesty's dominions
to which he is removed, be carried into effect as if the conditions thereof as
so varied were the conditions of the original sentence.

(3) The regulations may also provide for the forms to be used under this Act
and generally for the execution of this Act.

(4) All regulations made under this section shall be duly observed by all
persons, and shall be laid before both Houses of Parliament as soon as may be
after they are made.

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