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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> COLONIAL PRISONERS REMOVAL ACT 1884

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3.(1) Where a prisoner has been removed in pursuance of this Act, a Secretary
of State..., may order the prisoner, for the purpose of undergoing the residue
of his sentence, to be returned to the British possession from which he was

(2) If a Secretary of State..., requires the prisoner to be returned for
discharge to the British possession from which he was removed, the prisoner
shall, in accordance with the regulations under this Act, be returned to the
said British possession for the purpose of being there discharged at the
expiration of his sentence. In any other case a prisoner when discharged at
the expiration of his sentence shall be entitled to be sent free of cost to
the British possession from which he was removed;

Provided that where a prisoner at the date of his sentence belonged to the
Royal Navy or to Her Majesty's regular military forces, nothing in this
section shall require such prisoner to be returned to the British possession
from which he was removed, or entitle him to be sent there free of cost.

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