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18. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires..., the following
expressions have the following meanings; that is to say,

The expression "British possession" does not include any place within the
United Kingdom, the Isle of Man, or the Channel Islands, but includes all
other territories and places being part of Her Majesty's dominions, and all
territories and places within Her Majesty's dominions... and are under one
legislature shall be deemed to be one British possession,....

Definition omitted by SRO 1937/230 (Rev. vol.X. p.545)

The expression "legislature" where there are local legislatures, as well as a
central legislature, means the central legislature only,....

Definition rep. by SLR 1898

The expression "Governor" means any person or persons administering the
government of a British possession,....

The expression "Colonial Secretary" includes a person performing the like
duties as a Colonial Secretary, whether known as Government Secretary, Chief
Secretary to the Government, or by any other title.

The expression "prison" includes any place for the confinement or detention of
prisoners whether convicted or unconvicted.

The expression "sentence of imprisonment" means any sentence involving
confinement in a prison, whether combined or not with labour, and whether
known as penal servitude, imprisonment with hard labour, rigorous
imprisonment, imprisonment, or otherwise, and includes a sentence awarded by
way of commutation as well as an original sentence passed by the court.

The expression "criminal lunatic" means a person detained in custody by reason
of his having been charged with an offence, and either found to have been
insane at the time of such offence, or found or certified or otherwise
lawfully proved to be unfit on the ground of his insanity to be tried for the
same, and includes a person convicted of an offence and afterwards certified
or otherwise lawfully proved to be insane.

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