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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> COLONIAL PRISONERS REMOVAL ACT 1884

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10.(1) The provisions of this Act shall apply to a person in custody as a
criminal lunatic in like manner, so far as consistent with the tenor thereof,
as they apply to a prisoner undergoing sentence of imprisonment; and separate
regulations may be made by Her Majesty in Council under this Act in relation
to criminal lunatics and (subject to those regulations) all laws and
regulations in force in the part of Her Majesty's dominions in which a
criminal lunatic removed or returned is for the time being in custody under a
warrant issued in pursuance of this Act, shall apply to such criminal lunatic
as if he had become a criminal lunatic in that part.

(2) Where a person, who is a criminal lunatic by reason of being unfit to be
tried for an offence, is removed in pursuance of this Act, and a Secretary of
State or the Government of the British possession to or from which such person
was removed considers that such person has become sufficiently sane to be
tried for the said offence, and requires him to be returned for trial to the
British possession from which he was removed, he shall, in accordance with the
regulations under this Act be returned as a prisoner to the said
British possession for the purpose of being there tried for the said offence,
and shall be removed thither in custody in like manner as if he had been
arrested under a warrant on a charge for the said offence.

Cost of removal.

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