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1862 c.37, extended to manors, &c. devised by Her Majesty, &c.

1. All the provisions of the Crown Private Estates Act, 1862, and of this Act,
concerning the private estates of Her Majesty, her heirs or successors, shall
extend and apply to all manors, messuages, lands, tenements, leases, and
hereditaments, and other real or heritable property and estate, of whatsoever
tenure the same may be, whether situate or arising in England, Scotland, or
Ireland, or in any other part of Her Majesty's dominions, which, under or by
virtue of any gift, devise, or disposition made by Her Majesty, or by any of
her heirs or successors, of any part of her or his private estates, shall
become vested in any person who may at the time of such vesting, or at any
time afterwards be or become king or queen of this realm, unless in or by the
instrument whereby such gift, devise, or disposition shall be made, an
intention shall be expressed that such manors, messuages, lands, tenements,
leases, hereditaments, or other property or estate shall not be, or after the
accession of any person entitled thereto to the Crown of this realm, continue
to be held as such private estates.

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