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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> CROWN PRIVATE ESTATES ACT 1862

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Interpretation of the expression ""private estates of Her Majesty, &c.''

1. In the construction of this Act the expression "private estates of Her
Majesty, her heirs or successors", shall mean (unless controlled or confined
to a more limited sense by express words or the context) any manors,
messuages, lands, tenements, leases, and hereditaments, and other real or
heritable property and estate, of whatsoever tenure the same may be, whether
situate or arising in England, Scotland or Ireland, or in any other part of
Her Majesty's dominions, which have at any time heretofore been purchased or
acquired by Her Majesty, or shall at any time hereafter be purchased or
acquired by Her Majesty, her heirs, or successors, out of any monies issued
and applied for the use of her or their privy purse, or with any other monies
not appropriated to any public service, and any manors, messuages, lands,
tenements, leases, and hereditaments, and other real or heritable property and
estate, of whatsoever tenure the same may be, whether situate or arising in
England, Scotland, or Ireland, or in any other part of Her Majesty's
dominions, which have come to Her Majesty, or shall or may come to Her
Majesty, or her heirs or successors, by the gift or devise or disposition of,
or by descent, inheritance, or succession, or otherwise from, any of her or
their ancestors, or any other person or persons not being Kings or Queens of
this realm, and any manors, messuages, lands, tenements, leases, and
hereditaments, and other real or heritable property and estate, of whatsoever
tenure the same may be, and whether situate or arising in England, Scotland,
or Ireland, or in any other part of Her Majesty's dominions, which did or
shall belong to Her Majesty, or her heirs or successors or to any person or
persons in trust for her or them, at the time of her or their respective
accessions to the Crown of this realm, and which before such accession she or
they respectively might have legally granted, sold, given, devised, disponed,
or conveyed.

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