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117.(1) Every company to which Article 114 applies shall keep a register for
the purposes of Articles 114 to 116 (in this Article referred to as "the

(2) Whenever the company receives information from a person in consequence of
the fulfilment of an obligation imposed on him by Article 114 or 115 it shall
be under obligation to inscribe in the register, against the name of that
person, that information and the date of the inscription.

(3) Whenever the company receives information from a person in pursuance of a
requirement imposed on him under Article 116 with respect to shares held by a
member of the company, it shall be under an obligation to inscribe against the
name of that member in a separate part of the register

(a)the fact that the requirement was imposed and the date on which it was
imposed; and

(b)the information received in pursuance of the requirement.

(4) The register must be so made up that the entries therein against the
several names inscribed therein appear in chronological order.

(5) An obligation imposed by paragraph (2) or (3) as to inscription must be
fulfilled before the expiration of the period of three days beginning with the
day next following that on which it arises.

(6) In reckoning any such period as is mentioned in paragraph (5) a day which
is a Saturday or Sunday or a bank holiday shall be disregarded.

(7) The company shall not, by virtue of anything done for the purposes of this
Article, be affected with notice of, or put upon inquiry as to, the rights of
any person in relation to any shares.

(8) The register shall be kept at the place at which the register required to
be kept by the company by Article 39 is kept, and shall, during business hours
(subject to such reasonable restrictions as the company may in general meeting
impose, so that not less than two hours in each day be allowed for inspection)
but save insofar as it contains information with respect to a company for the
time being entitled to avail itself of the benefit conferred by Article 14(3)
or 15(3), be open to the inspection of any member of the company without
charge and of any other person on payment of five new pence, or such less sum
as the company may direct, for each inspection; but insofar as it contains
such information shall not be open to inspection.

(9) Unless the register is in such form as to constitute in itself an index,
the company shall keep an index of the names inscribed therein which shall

(a)in respect of each name, contain a sufficient indication to enable the
information inscribed against it to be readily found; and

(b)be kept at the same place as the said register;

(10) As regards so much of the register as is required to be open to
inspection any member of the company or other person may require a copy of it,
or of any part of it, on payment of ten new pence, or such less sum as the
company may direct, for every hundred words or fractional part thereof
required to be copied.

(11) The company shall cause any copy required by a person by virtue of
paragraph (10) to be sent to him before the expiration of the period of ten
days beginning with the day next following that on which the requirement is
received by the company.

(12) If default is made in complying with paragraphs (1) to (5) or (9), or if
an inspection required under this Article is refused or a copy required
thereunder is not sent within the proper period, the company and every officer
of the company who is in default shall be guilty of an offence and be liable
to a fine not exceeding #500 and further to a default fine.

(13) In the case of a refusal of an inspection required under this Article of
the register, the court may by order compel an immediate inspection thereof.

(14) In the case of a failure to send a copy required under this Article, the
court may by order direct that the copy required shall be sent to the person
requiring it.

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