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Northern Irish Legislation

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134.(1) Section 382 of the principal Act (which prohibits the formation of a
company, association or partnership consisting of more than twenty persons for
the purpose of carrying on a business [(other than the business of banking)]
for gain as therein mentioned unless it is registered as a company under the
principal Act, or is formed in pursuance of some other Act or of letters
patent) shall not prohibit the formation

(a)for the purpose of carrying on practice as solicitors, of a partnership
consisting of persons each of whom is a solicitor;

(b)for the purpose of carrying on practice as accountants, of a partnership
consisting of persons each of whom falls within Article 26(1);

(c)for the purpose of carrying on business as members of a recognised stock
exchange, of a partnership consisting of persons each of whom is a member of
that exchange.

(2) The Department may by regulations provide that the said section 382 shall
not apply to the formation (otherwise than as permitted by virtue of paragraph
(1)), for a purpose specified in the regulations, of a partnership of a
description so specified.

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