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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> COMMISSIONERS FOR OATHS ACT 1889

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1.(1) The Lord Chancellor may from time to time, by commission signed by him,
appoint persons being practising solicitors or other fit and proper persons to
be commissioners for oaths, and may revoke any such appointment.

(2) A commissioner for oaths may, by virtue of his commission, in England or
elsewhere, administer any oath or take any affidavit for the purposes of any
court or matter in England, including any of the ecclesiastical courts or
jurisdictions, matters ecclesiastical, matters relating to applications for
notarial faculties, and matters relating to the registration of any
instrument, whether under an Act of Parliament or otherwise, and take any bail
or recognizance in or for the purpose of any civil proceeding in the
Supreme Court,....

(3) Provided that a commissioner for oaths shall not exercise any of the
powers given by this section in any proceeding in which he is solicitor to any
of the parties to the proceeding, or clerk to any such solicitor, or in which
he is interested.

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