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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> COMPANIES CLAUSES ACT 1863

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13. Where any such company is authorized by any special Act hereafter passed
and incorporating this part of this Act to raise any additional sum or sums by
the issue of new preference shares, or by the issue of new preference stock,
or (at the option of the company) by either of those modes,then and in every
such case the company, with the like sanction as aforesaid, may for the
purpose of raising such additional sum or sums from time to time create and
issue, (according as the authority given by the special Act extends to shares
only, or to stock only, or to both,) such new shares or new stock, either
ordinary or preference, and either of one class and with like privileges, or
of several classes and with different privileges, and of the same or different
amounts, and respectively with any fixed, fluctuating, contingent,
preferential, perpetual, terminable, deferred, or other dividend, or interest,
not exceeding the rate prescribed in the special Act, and if no rate is
prescribed, then not exceeding the rate of five pounds per centum per annum,
and subject (as to any such new shares) to the payment of calls of such
amounts and at such times, as the company from time to time thinks
fit:Provided always, that any preference assigned to any shares or stock so
issued under the special Act shall not affect any guarantee or any preference
or priority in the payment of dividend or interest on any shares or stock,
that may have been granted by the company under or confirmed by any previous
Act, or that may be otherwise lawfully subsisting.

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