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Futher provisions as to pensions to widows of constables.

3.(1) Paragraph (9) of the Second Schedule to the
Constabulary and Police (Ireland) Act, 1883, in its application to a pension
payable under section four of that Act to the widow of a constable who has
died on or after the first day of September nineteen hundred and eighteen, or
dies after the passing of this Act, shall have effect as if "twenty-six
pounds" were substituted for "ten pounds".

(2) Where the widow is one to whom a pension or gratuity may be granted under
section four of the Constabulary and Police (Ireland) Act, 1883, she shall not
be entitled to a pension or gratuity under that section unless she accepts tha
same in lieu of a pensions under this Act.

(3) A pension payable to a widow of a constable under this Act or under
section four of the Constabulary and Police (Ireland) Act, 1883, shall, if at
any time she remarries, be suspended, but in the event of her again becoming a
widow shall be restored on proof to the satisfaction of the police authority
that her circumstances are such that the pension is necessary for her support,
and that she is of good character and deserving of bounty from public funds,
and accordingly ... residue repeals in pt. sch. to 1883 c.44

S.4 spent


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