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Northern Irish Legislation

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Taxation of solicitor's bill.

9.(1) The Ministry may order that a solicitor's bill of costs for business
done for a charity, or the trustees of any charity, shall be taxed by the
[Master (Taxing Office)].

(2) On any order under this section for the taxation of a solicitor's bill the
taxation shall proceed, and the [Master (Taxing Office)] shall have the same
powers and duties, and the costs of the taxation shall be borne as if the
order had been made, on the application of the person chargeable with the
bill, by the Court.

(3) An order shall not be made under this section for the taxation of any bill

(a)after the bill has been paid, unless the Ministry is of opinion that the
bill contains exorbitant charges; or

(b)if the solicitor's costs are not subject to taxation on an order of
the Court by reason of

(i)an agreement as to his remuneration; or

(ii)the lapse of time since payment of the bill.

Incorporation schemes for charity trustees.

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