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Compromises of claims by or against charities.

5.(1) Where it appears to the trustees of a charity that any claim by the
charity against any person should be compromised, the trustees or, with their
consent, that person may submit a proposal for the compromise of the claim to
the Ministry.

(2) Where it appears to the trustees of a charity that any claim by any person
against the charity or the trustees should be compromised, the trustees or,
with their consent, that person, may submit a proposal for the compromise of
the claim to the Ministry.

(3) Where it appears to the Ministry that a proposal under subsection (1) or
(2) is, with or without any modification, for the benefit of the charity
concerned, the Ministry may make such order in relation to the compromise
specified in the proposal as it thinks fit.

(4) The Ministry may compromise any claim by or against the Ministry in
respect of any property belonging to a charity of which the Ministry is a
trustee if the Ministry is satisfied that the compromise would be for the
benefit of the charity concerned.

(5) Where the terms and conditions of a compromise under this section are
complied with, legal proceedings shall not be entertained in any court by or
against the charity in relation to the claim in respect of which the
compromise was made.

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