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35. In this Act

"charitable gift" means a gift for charitable purposes;

"charitable purposes" means purposes which are exclusively charitable
according to the law of Northern Ireland;

"charity" means any institution, corporate or not, which is established for
charitable purposes and is subject to the control of the Court in the exercise
of the Court's jurisdiction with respect to charities;

"the Court", subject to [Article 14(b) of the County Courts (Northern Ireland)
Order 1980], means the High Court;

"fund" includes any interest, present or future, in any stock, shares,
annuities or other securities or choses in action, and also includes money;

"gift" means any donation, devise or bequest;

"institution" includes any trust or undertaking;

"mortgage", in relation to any registered land, means a charge created under
section 40 of the Local Registration of Title (Ireland) Act 1891;

"trustees" in relation to a charity, means the persons having the general
control and management of the administration of the charity;

"trusts", in relation to a charity, means the provisions establishing it as a
charity and regulating its purposes and administration, whether those
provisions take effect by way of trust or not;

"will" includes a codicil to a will.

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