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Northern Irish Legislation

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Costs and expenses of Ministry.

33.(1) Any expenses incurred by the Ministry under this Act shall, except
where any other provision provides for their defrayal in some other manner, be
defrayed out of moneys provided by Parliament.

(2) Any costs or expenses incurred by the Ministry (other than any expenses
incidental to the employment of any person in the Civil Service of Northern
Ireland) in managing, administering, preserving or recovering any property
vested in the Ministry under this Act, or otherwise in executing this Act, may
be deducted by the Ministry from the funds of the charity in respect of which
the costs or expenses were incurred.

(3) Where the Ministry deducts any costs or expenses from the funds of a
charity under subsection (2), the trustees of the charity or any person
claiming to be interested may apply to the [Master (Taxing Office)] for an
order for the taxation of those costs or expenses.

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