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Northern Irish Legislation

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Effect of transactions under ss.17 to 20.

21.(1) Any sale, exchange, mortgage, lease or other transaction effected in
pursuance of any power conferred by the Ministry under sections 17 to 20 shall
have the same effect and validity as if the terms of the trust affecting the
charity concerned had contained express terms conferring power to effect the
sale, exchange, mortgage, lease or transaction.

(2) The Ministry may confer any power specified in section 17, 18, 19 or 20
with retrospective effect.

(3) Nothing in sections 17 to 20 shall operate to require the trustees of a
charity to apply to the Ministry for power to do any act or thing which they
are expressly or impliedly empowered to do by virtue of the terms of the
trusts affecting the charity in question.

(4) Any reference in this section to the trusts of a charity includes a
reference to any trusts contained in or created under any enactment (whether
public general, local or private).

Occasions for applying property cy-pre0s.

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