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Northern Irish Legislation

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Leases of and improvements to charity lands.

17.(1) Where the trustees of a charity are of opinion that in relation to any
land belonging to the charity it would be for the benefit of the charity

(a)to let any part of the land

(i)on building, repairing, improving or other leases; or

(ii)on leases for working any mines or minerals;

(b)to dig for or raise any stone, clay, gravel or other minerals on the land;

(c)to cut any timber on the land;

(d)to make any new road or street, or lay any drains or sewers, through the

(e)to erect any new building or repair, alter, rebuild or remove any existing
building on the land;

(f)to make any other improvements or alterations in or on the land;

(2) Where the Ministry is of opinion that any proposals made to it under
subsection (1) would be for the benefit of the charity concerned, the Ministry
may confer power to execute the proposals (with or without modifications),
subject to such conditions as it may specify.

(3) The Ministry may, in relation to any proposals made to it under subsection
(1), confer power to apply any funds belonging to the charity to which the
proposals relate for any of the purposes referred to in subsection (1).

(4) The Ministry may, in relation to any charity of which it is the trustee,
make such leases and perform such acts as are described in subsection (1), as
it considers to be for the benefit of the charity.

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