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Northern Irish Legislation

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1.(1) The Ministry of Finance (in this Act referred to as "the Ministry")
shall receive and consider any application made to it in writing by the
trustees of any charity for the opinion or advice of the Ministry in relation
to any matter or question concerning that charity.

(2) Where an application is made to the Ministry under subsection (1), the
Ministry may give, in writing under seal, such opinion or advice as it
considers proper.

(3) Where a trustee acts in accordance with any opinion or advice given by the
Ministry under this section

(a)he shall be deemed to have acted in accordance with the terms of his trust;

(b)an order made subsequently by any court shall not affect the operation of
paragraph (a).

(4) Subsection (3)(a) shall not apply in relation to any trustee who acts in
accordance with the opinion or advice of the Ministry if

(a)he has been guilty of any fraud, wilful concealment or misrepresentation in
making an application for that opinion or advice; or

(b)before he so acts the opinion of the Court has been obtained in relation to
the matter or question in respect of which an application has been made under
subsection (1) for the opinion or advice of the Ministry or proceedings to
obtain the opinion of the Court in relation to that matter or question have
been instituted.

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