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Provisions as to breaches of condition.

9.(1) If an occupier of land fails to comply with any condition for the time
being attached to a site licence held by him in respect of the land, he shall
be guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction, where it is a first
offence to a fine not exceeding one hundred pounds, and, where it is a second
or subsequent offence, to a fine not exceeding two hundred and fifty pounds.

(2) Where a person convicted under this section for failing to comply with a
condition attached to a site licence has on two or more previous occasions
been convicted thereunder for failing to comply with a condition attached to
that licence, the court before which he is convicted may, if an application in
that behalf is made at the hearing by the [district council] in whose
[district] the land is situated, make an order for the revocation of the said
site licence to come into force on such date as the court may specify in the
order, being a date after the end of a period of seven days beginning with the
day on which he is convicted; and if an appeal is brought before the date so
specified the order shall be of no effect pending the final determination or
withdrawal of the appeal.

(3) A person convicted under this section or the [district council] who issued
the site licence to him may apply to the court of summary jurisdiction which
has made an order revoking a site licence for an order extending the period at
the end of which the revocation is to come into force, and the court may, if
satisfied that adequate notice of the application has been given to the
[district council] or, as the case may be, the person convicted, make an order
extending that period.

(4) Where an occupier of land fails within the time specified in a condition
attached to a site licence held by him to complete to the satisfaction of the
[district council] in whose [district] the land is situated any works required
by the condition to be so completed, the [district council] may carry out
those works, and may recover as a civil debt in any court of competent
jurisdiction from that person any expenses reasonably incurred by them in that

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