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Responsibility of occupier of land subject to a licence or special tenancy.

12.(1) It shall be a condition of any such licence or tenancy as is mentioned
in section 1(3) that if any person in exercise of rights under the licence or
tenancy does anything which would constitute an offence under that section if
that person were the occupier of the land, the person who is the occupier of
the land may take possession of the land and terminate the licence or tenancy;
and in determining whether the occupier of the land has permitted the land to
be used as a caravan site account shall be taken of any powers exercisable by
him under this sub-section.

(2) The occupier of any land subject to a licence or subject to any such
tenancy as is mentioned in section 1(3) shall have the right, as against any
person claiming under the licence or tenancy, to enter on the land and do
anything on the land reasonably required for the purpose of complying with any
conditions attached to a site licence issued with respect to the land.

Ss.1320 rep. by 1972 NI 17 art.110(2) sch.7

Power of district council to provide sites for caravans.

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