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Transfer of site licences and transmission on death, etc.

10.(1) Subject to sub-section (3), when the holder of a site licence in
respect of any land ceases to be the occupier of the land, he may, on giving
notice of the transfer to the [district council] in whose [district] the land
is situated and on payment of a fee of [50p] to the [council], transfer the
licence to the person who then becomes the occupier of the land.

(2) Where a [district council] receive notice of a transfer of a site licence
together with the fee of [50p], they shall endorse on the licence the name of
the person to whom it is to be transferred and the date agreed between the
parties to the transfer as the date on which that person is, for the purposes
of this Act, to be treated as having become the holder of the licence.

(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (2), a [district
council] shall not at any time endorse on a site licence the name of any
person who has held a site licence which has been revoked under this Act less
than three years before that time.

(4) Where any person becomes, by operation of law, entitled to an estate or
interest in land in respect of which a site licence is in force and is, by
virtue of his holding that estate or interest, the occupier of the land within
the meaning of this Act he shall, for the purposes of this Act, be treated as
having become the holder of the licence on the day on which he became the
occupier of the land, and the [district council] in whose [district] the land
is situated shall, if an application in that behalf is made to them, endorse
his name and the said date on the licence.

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