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Northern Irish Legislation

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Registration of order and minute of reduction.

69.(1) The registrar of companies, on production to him of an order of
the court confirming the reduction of the share capital of a company, and the
delivery to him of an office copy of the order and of a minute approved by
the court showing, with respect to the share capital of the company as altered
by the order, the amount of the share capital, the number of shares into which
it is to be divided, and the amount of each share, and the amount, if any, at
the date of the registration deemed to be paid up on each share, shall
register the order and minute.

(2) On the registration of the order and minute, and not before, the
resolution for reducing share capital as confirmed by the order so registered
shall take effect.

(3) Notice of the registration shall be published in such manner as the court
may direct.

(4) The registrar shall certify under his hand the registration of the order
and minute, and his certificate shall be conclusive evidence that all the
requirements of this Act with respect to reduction of share capital have been
complied with, and that the share capital of the company is such as is stated
in the minute.

(5) The minute when registered shall be deemed to be substituted for the
corresponding part of the memorandum, and shall be valid and alterable as if
it had been originally contained therein.

(6) The substitution of any such minute as aforesaid for part of the
memorandum of the company shall be deemed to be an alteration of the
memorandum within the meaning of section twenty-five.

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