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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> COMPANIES ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1960

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348. For the purposes of this Part, "unregistered company" shall include any
trustee savings bank certified under the Trustee Savings Banks Act, 1863, [the
Trustee Savings Bank Act 1954 or the Trustee Savings Banks Act 1969], and any
partnership, whether limited or not, any association and any company with the
following exceptions:

(a)a railway company incorporated by Act of Parliament, except in so far as is
provided by the Abandonment of Railways Act, 1850, and the
Abandonment of Railways Act, 1869, and any Acts amending them;

(b)a company registered in any part of the United Kingdom under the Joint
Stock Companies Acts, the Companies Act, 1862, or the Companies
(Consolidation) Act, 1908;

(c)a company registered in Northern Ireland under the Companies Act (Northern
Ireland), 1932, or this Act;

(d)a partnership, association or company which consists of less than eight
members and is not a foreign partnership, association or company.

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