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Northern Irish Legislation

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Delivery of registrar of accounts of receivers and managers.

326.(1) If any receiver or manager of the property of a company

(a)having made default in filing, delivering or making any return, account or
other document, or in giving any notice, which a receiver or manager is by law
required to file, deliver, make or give, fails to make good the default within
fourteen days after the service on him of a notice requiring him to do so; or

(b)having been appointed under the powers contained in any instrument, has,
after being required at any time by the liquidator of the company so to do,
failed to render proper accounts of his receipts and payments and to vouch the
same and to pay over to the liquidator the amount properly payable to him;

(2) In the case of any such default as is mentioned in paragraph (a) of
sub-section (1), an application for the purposes of this section may be made
by any member or creditor of the company or by the registrar of companies, and
in the case of any such default as is mentioned in paragraph (b) of that
sub-section, the application shall be made by the liquidator, and in either
case the order may provide that all costs of and incidental to the application
shall be borne by the receiver or manager, as the case may be.

Enforcement of duty of receivers and managers to make returns, etc.

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