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Disqualifications for appointment as auditor.

155.(1) A person shall not be qualified for appointment as auditor of any
company unless

(a)he is a member of a body of accountants established in the United Kingdom
and for the time being recognised for the purposes of this paragraph by
the Ministry; or

(b)he is for the time being authorised by the Ministry to be so appointed
either as having similar qualifications obtained outside the United Kingdom or
as having obtained adequate knowledge and experience in the course of his
employment by a member of a body of accountants recognised for the purposes of
paragraph (a) or as having before the twenty-seventh day of October, nineteen
hundred and fifty-nine, practised in Northern Ireland as an accountant.

(2) None of the following persons shall be qualified for appointment as
auditor of a company

(a)an officer or servant of the company;

(b)except where the company is a private company, a person who is a partner of
or in the employment of an officer or servant of the company;

(c)a body corporate.

References in this sub-section to an officer or servant shall be construed as
not including references to an auditor.

(3) A person shall also not be qualified for appointment as auditor of a
company if he is, by virtue of sub-section (2), disqualified for appointment
as auditor of any other body corporate which is that company's subsidiary or
holding company or a subsidiary of that company's holding company, or would be
so disqualified if the body corporate were a company.

(4) Notwithstanding anything in sub-sections (1) to (3), a Scottish firm shall
be qualified for appointment as auditor of a company if, but only if, all the
partners are qualified for appointment as auditor thereof.

(5) Any person who acts as auditor of a company when disqualified under this
section shall be liable to a fine not exceeding one hundred pounds.][

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