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Northern Irish Legislation

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Music and dancing licences not required for cinematograph exhibitions.

7.(1) A licence shall not be required for any premises under any enactment for
the regulation of places kept or ordinarily used for public dancing, singing,
music, boxing or other public entertainment of the like kind by reason only of
the giving of a cinematograph exhibition which includes representations of
persons boxing or of persons playing music, dancing or singing or which
otherwise includes or is accompanied by music.

(2) For the purposes of this section any music played in any premises by way
of introduction to, in any interval between parts of, or by way of conclusion
of, a cinematograph exhibition or in the interval between two
cinematograph exhibitions shall be treated as music accompanying the
exhibition or exhibitions, as the case may be, if the total time taken by
music so played on any day amounts to less than one-quarter of the total time
taken by the cinematograph exhibition or exhibitions given in the premises on
that day.

S.8, with Schedule, effects amendments

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