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Northern Irish Legislation

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Provisions as to conditions in licences.

3.(1) It shall be the duty of the licensing authority, in granting a licence
under the Act of 1909 as respects any premises

(a)to impose conditions or restrictions prohibiting the admission of children
to cinematograph exhibitions involving the showing of works designated, by the
licensing authority or such other body as may be specified in the licence, as
works unsuitable for children; and

(b)to determine what, if any, conditions or restrictions shall be imposed as
to the admission of children to other cinematograph exhibitions involving the
showing of works designated by the authority or such other body as aforesaid
as of such other description as may be specified in the licence.

(2) Neither section two nor sub-section (1) shall be construed as derogating
from the generality of the power of the licensing authority, as respects any
premises, to impose conditions or restrictions.

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