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Northern Irish Legislation

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6.(1) A person to whom any power, whether coupled with an interest or not, is
given, may, by deed, disclaim the power; and, after disclaimer, shall not be
capable of exercising or joining in the exercise of the power.

(2) On such disclaimer, the power may be exercised by the other or others, or
the survivors or survivor of the others, of the persons to whom the power is
given, unless the contrary is expressed in the instrument creating the power.

(3) This section applies to powers created by instruments coming into
operation either before or after the commencement of this Act.

S.7 rep. by SLR 1898; 1962 c.30 s.28 sch.3; SLR 1976. Ss.8, 9 rep. by 1971
c.33 (NI) s.11(2) sch.2

Restriction on executory limitations.

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