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Northern Irish Legislation

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Proceedings to be stayed when commenced in respect of a copy of an authenticated report, &c.

2. In case of any civil or criminal proceeding hereafter to be commenced or
prosecuted for or on account or in respect of the publication of any copy of
such report, paper, votes, or proceedings, it shall be lawful for the
defendant or defendants at any stage of the proceedings to lay before the
court or judge such report, paper, votes, or proceedings, and such copy, with
an affidavit verifying such report, paper, votes, or proceedings, and the
correctness of such copy, and the court or judge shall immediately stay such
civil or criminal proceeding; and the same, and every writ or process issued
therein, shall be and shall be deemed and taken to be finally put an end to,
determined, and superseded by virtue of this Act.

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