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Northern Irish Legislation

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Proceedings, criminal or civil, against persons for publication of papers printed by order of Parliament, to be stayed upon delivery of a certificate and affidavit to the effect that such publication is by order of either House of Parliament.

1.] It shall and may be lawful for any person or persons who now is or are, or
hereafter shall be, a defendant or defendants in any civil or criminal
proceeding commenced or prosecuted in any manner soever, for or on account or
in respect of the publication of any such report, paper, votes, or proceedings
by such person or persons, or by his, her, or their servant or servants, by or
under the authority of either House of Parliament, to bring before the court
in which such proceeding shall have been or shall be so commenced or
prosecuted, or before any judge of the same (if one of the superior courts at
Westminster), first giving twenty-four hours' notice of his intention so to do
to the prosecutor or plaintiff in such proceeding, a certificate under the
hand of the lord high chancellor of Great Britain, or the lord keeper of the
great seal, or of the speaker of the House of Lords for the time being, or of
the clerk of the Parliaments, or of the speaker of the House of Commons, or of
the clerk of the same House, stating that the report, paper, votes, or
proceedings, as the case may be, in respect whereof such civil or criminal
proceeding shall have been commenced or prosecuted, was published by such
person or persons, or by his, her, or their servant or servants, by order or
under the authority of the House of Lords or of the House of Commons, as the
case may be, together with an affidavit verifying such certificate; and such
court or judge shall thereupon immediately stay such civil or criminal
proceeding; and the same, and every writ or process issued therein, shall be
and shall be deemed and taken to be finally put an end to, determined, and
superseded by virtue of this Act.

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