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Northern Irish Legislation

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rovided that before taking such possession, the [{3}district council] shall,
by notice in writing delivered to the proprietor or his agent at his usual or
last known place of abode or business call on the proprietor to comply with
the condition, and if the proprietor C >>( a ) within fourteen days after the
delivery of the notice gives an undertaking in writing to the [{3}district
council] to comply with the notice; and C >>( b ) within two months after the
delivery of the notice complies therewith; Bthe [{3}district council] shall
not take possession. B>(3) Where a [{3}district council] take possession of a
house by virtue of the last preceding sub-section, the [{3}district council]
shall proceed to let and manage the house as if it had been a house provided
by [{3}the Northern Ireland Housing Executive] under the Act of 1945 and the
provisions of that Act in that behalf shall apply [{3}as if the district
council were the Northern Ireland Housing Executive] and any letting so made
by the [{3}district council] shall be deemed to have been made by the
proprietor: B>Provided that

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