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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> BEHRING SEA AWARD ACT 1894

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Liability of master to punishment.

4.(1) Where any offence under this Act has been committed by some person
belonging to a ship, or by means of a ship, or the equipment of a ship, the
master of the ship shall be deemed guilty of such offence, and the ship and
her equipment shall be liable to forfeiture under this Act.

(2) Provided that if it is proved that the master issued proper orders for the
observance, and used due diligence to enforce the observance of this Act, and
the regulations in force thereunder, and that the offence in question was
actually committed by some other person without his connivance, and that the
actual offender has been convicted, or that he has taken all proper means in
his power to prosecute such offender, if alive, to conviction, the master or
the ship shall not be liable to any penalty or forfeiture other than such sum
as will prevent any profit accruing by reason of the offence to the master or
crew or owner of the ship.

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