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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> BOUNDARY SURVEY (IRELAND) ACT 1859

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Boundary surveyor may alter name of lands erroneously named in ordnance map on application of owners and proof of error.

1. The provisions contained in the said recited Act for enabling the boundary
surveyor for the time being, when he shall find that the boundaries of any
land have been erroneously marked out, laid down, or described on the ordnance
map of any county, to make such alteration therein as the circumstances of the
case shall require, shall extend and apply to enable such boundary surveyor in
any case where any lands have not been correctly named on such ordnance map,
so far as the same can be shown by any ancient deed, instrument, document, or
writing, to make such alteration therein as the circumstances of the case
shall require; provided, that application be made to him for such alteration
by the owner or owners, or reputed owner or owners of such land, stating
therein the grounds on which such application is made, and the name of the
lands which it is proposed by such owner or owners to substitute for the name
of such lands so entered on such ordnance map.

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