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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> BILLS OF SALE (IRELAND) ACT (1879) AMENDMENT ACT 1883

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Debentures to which Act not to apply.

17. Nothing in this Act shall apply to any debentures issued by any mortgage,
loan, or other incorporated company, and secured upon the capital stock or
goods, chattels, and effects of such company.This Indenture made the day of ,
between A.B. ofof the one part, and C.D. ofof the other part, witnesseth that
in consideration of the sum of # now paid to A.B. by C.D., the receipt of
which the said A.B. hereby acknowledges [or whatever else the consideration
may be], he the said A.B. doth hereby assign unto C.D., his executors,
administrators, and assigns, all and singular the several chattels and things
specifically described in the schedule hereto annexed by way of security for
the payment of the sum of #, and interest thereon at the rate of per cent. per
annum [or whatever else may be the rate]. And the said A.B. doth agree and
declare that he will duly pay to the said C.D. the principal sum aforesaid,
together with the interest then due, by equalpayments of # on the day of [or
whatever else may be the stipulated times or time of payment]. And the said
A.B. doth also agree with the said C.D. that he will [here insert terms as to
insurance, payment of rent, or otherwise, which the parties may agree to for
the maintenance or defeasance of the security].

Provided always, that the chattels hereby assigned shall not be liable to
seizure or to be taken possession of by the said C.D. for any cause other than
those specified in section seven of the Bills of Sale (Ireland) Act (1879)
Amendment Act, 1883.

Signed and sealed by the said A.B. in the presence of me E.F. [add witness'
name, address, and description].

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