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Certain instruments giving powers of distress to be subject to this Act.

5. From and after the commencement of this Act trade machinery shall for the
purposes of this Act, be deemed to be personal chattels, and any mode of
disposition of trade machinery by the owner thereof which would be a bill of
sale as to any other personal chattels shall be deemed to be a bill of sale
within the meaning of this Act.

For the purposes of this Act

"Trade machinery" means the machinery used in or attached to any
factory or workshop;

"Factory or workshop" means any premises on which any manual labour is
exercised by way of trade, or for purposes of gain, in or incidental to the
following purposes or any of them; that is to say,

(a)In or incidental to the making any article or part of an article; or

(b)In or incidental to the altering, repairing, ornamenting, finishing, of any
article; or

(c)In or incidental to the adapting for sale any article.

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