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Northern Irish Legislation

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5.(1) On the occurrence of an explosion from any boiler to which this Act
applies, notice thereof shall, within twenty-four hours thereafter, be sent to
the Board of Trade by the owner or user, or by the person acting on behalf of
the owner or user.

(2) The notice shall state the precise locality as well as the day and hour of
the explosion, the number of persons injured or killed, in addition to the
purposes for which the boiler was used, and, generally, the part of the boiler
that failed, and the extent of the failure, and such other particulars, if
any, as the Board of Trade by notice inserted in the London Gazette may
require, and shall be in the form printed in the schedule to this Act, or in
such form as the Board of Trade may from time to time approve for the purpose.

(3) If default is made in complying with the requirements of this section, the
person in default shall [be guilty of an offence].

Ss.68 omitted by SR 1979/378

<1.Name of premises or works on which boiler exploded.

<2.Address by the post.

<3.Day and hour of explosion.

<4.Number of persons killed.

<5.Number of persons injured.

<6.General description of the boiler.

<7.Purposes for which the boiler was used.

<8.Part of the boiler which failed, and the extent of failure generally.

<9.Pressure at which the boiler was worked.

10.Name and address of any society or association by whom the boiler was last
inspected or insured.

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